Sep 5, 2021 | News, Pessary Assistant Bio
PESSARY ASSISTANT TOOL BIO In 2014 and 2015, after years of seeing some of his patients struggle with ring pessary placement and removal, Ob/Gyn Chris Radpour MD in Chattanooga, TN invented & patented the world’s first ever dual purpose medical tool to help with...
Sep 5, 2021 | Instructions, Pessary Assistant Bio, PessaryAssistantTool
PessaryAssistant.comINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE I.PLACEMENT:a.Fold your Ring Pessary in half like a “Taco Shell”i.There will likely be two “notches” or “holes” on the sides, which will make it easier to fold in one direction than the otherii.These “notches” or “holes” should...